It’s got two great sounding mic preamps and it will work with just about any computer (PC and Mac) with USB. The one that I’ll be talking about in this article is the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. There’s plenty on the market – you can read my review and comparison of a few of my favorites here.

The first thing you’ll need is a two channel recording interface. If you want more detail on some of these items, you can read our detailed article on the top 10 items of equipment you need to record music.

Please note that we may refer to and link to products within the article that we recommend. You can still get an excellent drum sound with just two microphones. Don’t be put off if you haven’t got the budget for an multi-channel recording interface, a full set of dedicated drum mics and all the stands and cables. In this article I’ll explain how you can record a great drum sound with just two microphones. It might seem daunting but once you get the hang of a few things, it’s pretty straightforward. Sooner or later in your recording journey, you’ll find yourself wanting to record drums!